The time-being has the quality of flowing. So-called today flows into tomorrow, today flows into yesterday, yesterday flows into today. And today flows into today, tomorrow flows into tomorrow. Because flowing is a quality of time, moments of past and present do not overlap or line up side by side.... Practice-enlightenment is time. Being splattered with mud and getting wet with water is also time. ~Uji: The Time-Being by Eihei Dogen


sharing the sacred
adjacent rooms in silence
Buddhists and Quakers



meandering path
glistens in afternoon sun
slime trail from a slug



with each breath of wind
even in this warm sunshine
leaves fall from the trees

full moon shining down
long-watched bud opens at last
pure white moonflower



strewn about the yard
a tent, boxes, and loose clothes
neighbor's life fraying



along the train tracks
reaching up to the blue sky
row of scraggly weeds



out of the shadows
misty morning just past dawn~
the hawk's sudden flight



chocolate with nuts
two cookies, a small comfort
today my friend died



no one familiar,
went to the wrong funeral~
grieving one, grieve all



sad woman, alone,
choosing a film for tonight:
"The Road to Nowhere"



tucked under a bush
small plastic green dinosaur
from yesterday's play

October morning
sun hidden behind dark clouds
wind blows rain-soaked leaves
